Progressive Reinforcement Training

Progressive Reinforcement Training is a term coined by Emily Larlham. Emily has an extremely popular YouTube Channel, Kikopup, where she makes how to videos for the average dog owner to learn from. Emily decided to make a new term to describe dog training that does not use intimidation, physical pain, or positive punishment because trainers who use…

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What are you THANKFUL your dog does?

Happy Thanksgiving to all my USA followers! This is a great time to give thanks for the little things in life. A popular blog, Eileen and Dogs, came up with the best idea! Instead of joining in with the recently viral “Dog Shaming” phenomena, she decided to take a higher road to promote training and…

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Punishment in the Dog-Human Relationship

Punishment works. It suppresses behavior that humans find inappropriate. However, it will not benefit your relationship with your dog as punishment will need to continue for the dog’s entire life and may even need to intensify to achieve the same results. Your dog will learn to fear you instead of love and trust you. You…

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Guest Post: Off-Leash Reliability from a Positive Gun Dog Trainer’s Perspective

Foreword: Recently, I learned about a gun dog trainer in Colorado who trains dogs without shock collars. I could not wait to get a hold of him and have him write a post about off leash control. I hope that you enjoy his perspective and I hope to share more posts from him in the future!…

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One Year Anniversary of my Crossing Over!

This month marks the one year anniversary of the beginning of my journey of crossing over. Wow! This past year has flown by and I’ve learned a LOT. I am so honored to have such a dedicated following and appreciate the feed back each and every one of you give me! I hope you have…

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When Do I Stop Using the Clicker?

Learning when to use the clicker is pretty straight forward. You click when the dog does it right and follow up with a treat or play. One question that is rarely address though is “when do I stop using the clicker?” Presumably, you don’t want to use the clicker forever. It is simply a tool…

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Using Treat Delivery to Your Advantage

How you deliver the treat during training can make or break the lesson. I’m going to go as far as to say treat delivery is just as important as your timing with the clicker. Take a look at this video. Can you see how she delivers the treat where she wants the end behavior to…

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Halloween Costumes

Well, I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! I thought I’d take advantage of pets in costumes to promote practicing observation skills! Check out these pictures and in the comments, list what behaviors you see. Remember to be specific and not label anything. For example, behaviors are a lip lick, ears back, whale…

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